Re: libpam_ldap question and password change
[Date Prev][Date Next] [Thread Prev][Thread Next]Re: libpam_ldap question and password change
- From: Arthur de Jong <arthur [at] arthurdejong.org>
- To: nss-pam-ldapd-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org
- Subject: Re: libpam_ldap question and password change
- Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 21:52:35 +0100
On Tue, 2010-02-16 at 14:38 +0100, Bas van der Vlies wrote: > I am trying to replace the PADL libpam_ldap software. My setup is: > debian: lenny > openldap: 2.4.11-1+lenny1 > nss-ldap: 0.7.2 > > I can login on the node with a LDAP user. The only problem is that i > can not change my password with this new pam_ldap module. [...] > With the PADL pam_ldap module we can change the password but only the > new password is sent: [...] > Did i missed an option or is this a bug? This may be a bug but the exact working of the LDAP password modify EXOP request is scarcely document (RFC 3062 contains the most useful information). Anyway, I have changed the code to first try a password modification without the old password and if that fails retry it with the old password. Attached is a patch against 0.7.2 (also contains some other changes to that function that were applied). Perhaps this can be further improved. Comments are welcome. -- -- arthur - arthur@arthurdejong.org - http://arthurdejong.org --
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- libpam_ldap question and password change,
Bas van der Vlies
- Re: libpam_ldap question and password change, Arthur de Jong
- Re: libpam_ldap question and password change, Bas van der Vlies
- Re: libpam_ldap question and password change, Bas van der Vlies
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