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AW: Syslog states ldap_result() failed: Can't contact LDAP server

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AW: Syslog states ldap_result() failed: Can't contact LDAP server

> Thanks for the followup.
you're welcome ;)

> It would seem that the LDAP server has closed the connection. You could add 
> more -d options to nslcd to get more debugging information from the LDAP 
> library (more -d's is more debug info) but it provides a lot of details. The 
> underlying cause for the ldap_result() failure would be interesting though.
see attached logfile: harddebug.log. I only used -dd because -ddd seems too 
verbose :D if u still need it, please ask for a new logfile.
harddebug.log was generated with idle_timelimit 600, the time between the 
queries was about 20-30 secs.

> Can you try using the idle_timelimit nslcd.conf option to see if that fixes 
> it? (set it to a couple of seconds for testing)
For this try see lessdebug.log. idle_timelimit was set to 5, the time between 
the queries again 20-30 secs

> It shouldn't be a problem. It is just that these kind of groups take up a lot 
> of memory and if a buffer fills up the request has to be retried.
> It slows things down a bit, that's all.
Thanks for that information.

> There is no easy way to filter these kind of messages from within nslcd.
Hm is there a possibility not to use the syslog facility but a simple logfile?

> You could see if the idle_timelimit option avoids these issues but since 
> you're using SSL keeping the connection open would be nice (saves the 
> overhead of doing the SSL handshake over and over again).
As you can see in lessdebug.log, that seems to fix the "Can't contact LDAP 
Server" Problem. Would be nice to know, whats wrong with keeping the connection 

-- Robert Teichert

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Attachment: lessdebug.log
Description: lessdebug.log

Attachment: harddebug.log
Description: harddebug.log

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