Schema to add hostname property to accounts for pam_authz_search?
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- From: "J. L. Brewer" <jamie.brewer [at] grindwork.com>
- To: nss-pam-ldapd-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org
- Subject: Schema to add hostname property to accounts for pam_authz_search?
- Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 15:04:48 -0700
I'm examining what it would take to restrict user logins to given hostnames and add that capability to an existing database of users.
It requires a "host" attribute associated with the users ldap entry...ok, but schemas posixAccount and inetOrgPerson don't support that. The cosine schema has one but, I'm led to understand, it's not compatible with inetOrgPerson.
The PADL nss-ldap libpam-ldap package offers ldapns.schema for this purpose (http://old.nabble.com/Re:-Howto-get-the-%22host%22-attribute-for-pam_check_host_attr-of-pam_ldap--p9844227.html) (though exclude it from releases). Is this a sufficient solution or is there a more official, prefered solution for nss-pam-ldapd?
~Jamie Brewer
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- Schema to add hostname property to accounts for pam_authz_search?, J. L. Brewer
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