nss-pam-ldap case sensitivity
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- From: "Michael Jedlicka" <michaelj [at] itdynamics.co.za>
- To: <nss-pam-ldapd-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org>
- Subject: nss-pam-ldap case sensitivity
- Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 09:48:11 +0200
Hi There I have an issue and looking through your change logs have noticed that case sensitive lookups are now done which is a problem for us in our environment. We use a Novell E-Dir and we can not modify the usernames for a start. Our user have become accustomed to case insensitive user logins but since the edir usernames are as an example JohnD a user can not login utilizing johnd . Is there any possibility of adding the functionality of setting case sensitive and case insensitive searches as I do understand the security risk it poses with multiple usernames being returned but would prefer within the config an option. If this is not possible we will need to downgrade to an older version which did allow case insensitive searches for logins which undoes all the fixes done since that version. If anyone can help or shed some light it would be appreciated if there is such an option. We are using centos 6.0 and i have even tried the 0.8.4 nss-pam-ldap version to try the validnames regex to get past this. Any help is appreciated Michael Disclaimer This e-mail may contain confidential information and may be legally privileged and is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that you may not use, distribute or copy this document in any manner whatsoever. Kindly also notify the sender immediately by telephone, and delete the e-mail. When addressed to clients of the company from where this e-mail originates ("the sending company") any opinion or advice contained in this e-mail is subject to the terms and conditions expressed in any applicable terms of business or client engagement letter . The sending company does not accept liability for any damage, loss or expense arising from this e-mail and/or from the accessing of any files attached to this e-mail. If this e-mail contains abusive and/or inappropriate content please report it to Abuse@itdynamics.co.za |
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- nss-pam-ldap case sensitivity, Michael Jedlicka
- Re: nss-pam-ldap case sensitivity,
Arthur de Jong
- Re: nss-pam-ldap case sensitivity, Michael Jedlicka
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