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Re: nss-pam-ldapd 0.8.11 integration issue with slapd/nssov on Solaris 10

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Re: nss-pam-ldapd 0.8.11 integration issue with slapd/nssov on Solaris 10

On Wed, 2012-10-24 at 11:30 -0700, Ted Cheng wrote:
> I am integrating the latest nss-pam-ldapd 0.8.11 release with
> slapd/nssov. The Linux, specifically Ubuntu 11.10, part seems to work
> fine.
> On Solaris 10, however, slapd/nssov is experiencing communication
> error.

There are two known issues in 0.8.11 related to Solaris:

- the first is a stupid mistake on my part where a certain change was
  left out of a commit:
- the second is a known problem that I haven't been able to track down
  when using nscd on Solaris:

> gdb stepping shows that READ_TYPE()/tio_read() is failing:
> tio_read(...)
> {
>     ...
>     if (tio_wait(fp,1,&deadline))
>       return -1;  --> failing
>    ...
> }

Is the server-side failing or the client side? Do you know which request
is going on when it is failing?

-- arthur - - --
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