unknown keyword sudoers_base
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- From: Subu Ayyagari <subu.ayyagari [at] gmail.com>
- To: nss-pam-ldapd-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org
- Subject: unknown keyword sudoers_base
- Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2012 02:28:22 -0500
Does nslcd support sudo ( rhel6) ?
1) Adding "sudoers_base ou=sudo,dc=example,dc=com" in nslcd.conf
complains that it is unknown keyword.
complains that it is unknown keyword.
2) Not putting that line, complains "no valid sudoers sources found".
Seen hacks of adding the line after nslcd starts.....but it does not sound right/production quality !!
Please suggest...
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- unknown keyword sudoers_base, Subu Ayyagari
- Re: unknown keyword sudoers_base,
Arthur de Jong
- Re: unknown keyword sudoers_base, Ryan Steele
- RE: unknown keyword sudoers_base, Sotomayor, Vicente (ITD)
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