[Patch] Add support for Windows BUILTIN groups
[Date Prev][Date Next] [Thread Prev][Thread Next][Patch] Add support for Windows BUILTIN groups
- From: Davy Defaud <davy.defaud [at] free.fr>
- To: nss-pam-ldapd-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org
- Subject: [Patch] Add support for Windows BUILTIN groups
- Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 17:04:30 +0100
Hi Arthur, Here's a very quick and simple patch in order to get Windows BUILTIN groups when searching a group by gid (RID). The aim of this patch is to map the gid (gidNumber) to an AD SID RID between 544 and 552, because in that case the SID prefix is not the domain's prefix (S-1-5-21-dddddddddd-ddddddddd-ddddddddd) but the BUILTIN SID prefix (1-5-32). For example, if you add a user to the Administrators builtin group (S-1-5-21-544), now you should be able to get this group through nslcd, instead of having this error message: $ groups myuser myuser : Domain Users groups: cannot find name for group ID 544 544 compta pantin Of course, this could be made in a more configurable way... Freely yours, Davy
Description: Text Data
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- [Patch] Add support for Windows BUILTIN groups, Davy Defaud
- Re: [Patch] Add support for Windows BUILTIN groups,
Arthur de Jong
- Re: [Patch] Add support for Windows BUILTIN groups,
Davy Defaud
- Re: [Patch] Add support for Windows BUILTIN groups,
Arthur de Jong
- Re: [Patch] Add support for Windows BUILTIN groups, Davy Defaud
- Re: [Patch] Add support for Windows BUILTIN groups,
Arthur de Jong
- Re: [Patch] Add support for Windows BUILTIN groups,
Davy Defaud
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