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load balancing and fail-over

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load balancing and fail-over

Hi all,

I want to have LDAP load balancing and fail-over over our multiple LDAP-slaves. So the first thing I created was a round-robin DNS entry which has all IPs for our slaves like:


In nslcd.conf I created a single line with:

uri ldap://ldap/

When doing lookups I see a single connection being maintained with one of the LDAP-servers, regardless of the amount of lookups I do.

When I add multiple (3) identical lines to nslcd.conf and do multiple queries I eventually end up with connections to all three LDAP-servers. And when I block one IP address I do eventually get an answer (which probably can be speed up by setting the right timing parameters (I hope)).

And now the question: Is this the right way to solve the issue of having both fail-over and load balancing?

With kind regards,

Dennis Leeuw

Integratie Specialist
UMC Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 100 STR2.139
3584 CX  Utrecht
The Netherlands


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