Cannot login, fatal error at initgroups
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- From: Nisarg Jhaveri <nisargjhaveri [at] gmail.com>
- To: nss-pam-ldapd-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org
- Subject: Cannot login, fatal error at initgroups
- Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2017 15:28:03 +0530
I'm trying to setup ldap authentication on Ubuntu server 16.04, using `nss-pam-ldapd`. I think the ldap auth part works, but when I try to login, auth.log says,
sshd[27422]: fatal: initgroups: nisarg.jhaveri: Invalid argument
If I set map gidNumber to 100, auth.log says,
sshd[27411]: fatal: seteuid 201302195: Invalid argument
I know that the gid is not in /etc/group. But I believe it should not be required for it to be present there. Am I missing something?
I recently setup another server using `libpam-ldap`, I didn't encounter any similar errors there. Any ideas?
Couple of more outputs that can be useful
$ getent passwd nisarg.jhaveri
nisarg.jhaveri:*:201302195:201302:Nisarg Jhaveri:/home/nisarg.jhaveri:/bin/bash
$ nslcd --version
nss-pam-ldapd 0.9.6
Any ideas?
Nisarg Jhaveri
નિસર્ગ ઝવેરી
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- Cannot login, fatal error at initgroups, Nisarg Jhaveri
- Re: Cannot login, fatal error at initgroups, Jakub Jindra
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