separate Unix domain sockets for NSS and PAM
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- From: Michael Ströder <michael [at] stroeder.com>
- To: nss-pam-ldapd-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org
- Subject: separate Unix domain sockets for NSS and PAM
- Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2019 18:46:05 +0200
HI!I'm using nss-pam-ldapd's PAM and NSS frontend modules for sending NSS and PAM requests to my own custom demon implemented with Python.
Now for various reasons I'm trying to isolate things a bit more. E.g. in my setup I'd like to have separate NSS and PAM services listening on separate sockets.
Disclaimer: I'm not a C programmer.Diving into the code I've first started to tweak configure.ac (see attached patch). But then I got stuck a bit. It seems I would have to modify some macros etc.
Before I start developing a patch: Would that be a feature accepted into upstream? Ciao, Michael.
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- separate Unix domain sockets for NSS and PAM, Michael Ströder
- Re: separate Unix domain sockets for NSS and PAM, Arthur de Jong
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