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Re: ssh public key auth using pam_ldap

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Re: ssh public key auth using pam_ldap

Jason, hello.

On 28 Apr 2020, at 17:30, Dana, Jason T. wrote:

I am trying to configure pam and/or nslcd to query an AD/LDAP server when a user accesses a system via SSH using public key authentication.

I have successfully configured nslcd to query the AD/LDAP server and filter on a specific group. Unfortunately it does not appear to apply if the user is accessing the system using public key authentication. I have attempted a number of different sshd pam configuration changes and have added a pam_authz_search entry to nslcd.conf, but unfortunately none appear to be getting used.

The way I've set this up is by storing the public key in the LDAP database, and using the sshd_config AuthorizedKeysCommand to do a lookup by username. That ignores any key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.

Is that what you're aiming for?  I can add further details if so.

Note that that doesn't involve PAM at all (IIRC) -- it's the ssh daemon that does the lookup and checks the key.

Best wishes,


Norman Gray  :