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Re: sshd repeated polling for non-local uidNumber?

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Re: sshd repeated polling for non-local uidNumber?


If you install unscd (or nscd) as Arthur suggested,
you should see about 95% reduction in queries to the LDAP server.

(u)nscd adds caching to NSS queries -- in this case, LDAP queries.

nscd is configured in /etc/nscd.conf, if you need to tweak the timeouts.
This is similar to SOA records in DNS, if you're familiar with those.

Dave Sclarsky wrote:
> So I think you hit the nail on the head - we probably have some periodic 
> processing that's triggering the name lookups.
> We'll do more investigation to see what it might be, but I guess the bottom 
> line is that it's expected behavior that we can't really change - is that 
> correct?