nslcd.conf: bindpw not in clear text?
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- From: Andrea Sighinolfi <andrea.sighinolfi [at] sitti.it>
- To: nss-pam-ldapd-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org
- Subject: nslcd.conf: bindpw not in clear text?
- Date: Thu, 26 May 2022 14:05:34 +0200
Hi,I know the configuration file nslcd.conf should be accessed only by root, but would be possible to write a hashed password (e.g. md5) for the "binddn" field instead of a clear text password?
Thanks. best regards. Andrea
- Re: nslcd: passwords in clear text even if TLS is configured, (continued)
- Re: nslcd: passwords in clear text even if TLS is configured,
Andrea Sighinolfi
- Re: nslcd: passwords in clear text even if TLS is configured,
Andrea Sighinolfi
- Re: nslcd: passwords in clear text even if TLS is configured,
Arthur de Jong
- Re: nslcd: passwords in clear text even if TLS is configured,
Andrea Sighinolfi
- nslcd.conf: bindpw not in clear text?, Andrea Sighinolfi
- Re: nslcd.conf: bindpw not in clear text?, Arthur de Jong
- Re: nslcd: passwords in clear text even if TLS is configured,
Andrea Sighinolfi
- Re: nslcd: passwords in clear text even if TLS is configured,
Arthur de Jong
- Re: nslcd: passwords in clear text even if TLS is configured,
Andrea Sighinolfi
- Re: nslcd: passwords in clear text even if TLS is configured,
Andrea Sighinolfi
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