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[nssldap] Using tls_cert/key without rootbinddn

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[nssldap] Using tls_cert/key without rootbinddn


I'm attempting to configure nss_ldap/pam_ldap to use a client SSL cert
when binding to Sun's Directory Server. The intent is to avoid using
rootbinddn and binddn altogether.

While I can successfully bind to the server using the client cert, the
client immediately attempts to rebind using simple authentication:

[21/Feb/2007:10:45:03 -0800] conn=3829 op=-1 msgId=-1 - fd=17 slot=17
LDAPS connection from to
[21/Feb/2007:10:45:03 -0800] conn=3829 op=-1 msgId=-1 - SSL 56-bit
RC4-56; client CN=HEC Proxy,OU=Proxy,O=NASA Advanced Supercomputing 
Division; issuer CN=Temporary CA,O=NASA Advanced Supercomputing 
[21/Feb/2007:10:45:03 -0800] conn=3829 op=-1 msgId=-1 - SSL client bound
as cn=HEC Proxy,ou=Proxy,dc=nas,dc=nasa,dc=gov
[21/Feb/2007:10:45:03 -0800] conn=3829 op=0 msgId=1 - BIND dn=""
method=128 version=3
[21/Feb/2007:10:45:03 -0800] conn=3829 op=0 msgId=1 - RESULT err=0
tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0 dn=""

The /etc/ldap.conf is simply:

uri ldaps://
base dc=nas,dc=nasa,dc=gov
ldap_version 3

pam_password clear

ssl on
tls_cert /etc/ssl/private/HEC_client.pem
tls_key /etc/ssl/private/HEC_client.key

Is there any way to avoid this apparent rebinding?


Iain Morgan