[nssldap] Possible bug in nss_ldap v253 using SSL ?
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- From: Christopher Smith <csmith [at] nighthawkrad.net>
- To: nssldap [at] padl.com
- Subject: [nssldap] Possible bug in nss_ldap v253 using SSL ?
- Date: Tue, 08 May 2007 15:29:17 +1000
This is happening on a new CentOS 5 machine, with the "nss_ldap-253-3" package. In summary, it appears nss_ldap is both not automatically using the correct port when configured with 'ssl on' *AND* ignoring the 'port' directive in /etc/ldap.conf when it is specified directly.
If I try 'getent passwd' with: host pdc01.nighthawkrad.net ssl onIt doesn't work. Further, tcpdump shows the machine trying to contact my AD server on port 389 - LDAP w/o SSL.
(This configuration works fine with CentOS 4.4 and its "nss_ldap-226-17", I have several machines using it.)
If I try 'getent passwd' with: host pdc01.nighthawkrad.net ssl on port 636It still doesn't work and tcpdump also shows the machine trying to contact the AD server via port 389.
Finally, if 'getent passwd' with: uri ldaps://an.ad.server/ ssl onIt works as expected (ie: I get a list of user account details). Tcpdump shows port 636 being used, as it should be.
-- Christopher Smith Systems Administrator Nighthawk Radiology Services Level 11, Suite 1101 Grosvenor Place 225 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia T: 612 - 8211 2300 (IP: x8163) F: 612 - 8211 2333 M: 61 - 407 397 563 USA Toll free: 866 241 6635 E: csmith@nighthawkrad.net I: www.nighthawkrad.netCONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email, including any attachments, contains information from NightHawk Radiology Services, which may be confidential or privileged. The information is intended to be for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify NightHawk Radiology Services immediately by forwarding message to postmaster@nighthawkrad.net and destroy all electronic and hard copies of the communication, including attachments.
- [nssldap] Possible bug in nss_ldap v253 using SSL ?, Christopher Smith
- Re: [nssldap] Possible bug in nss_ldap v253 using SSL ?, Ralf Haferkamp
- Re: [nssldap] Possible bug in nss_ldap v253 using SSL ?, Joshua M. Miller
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