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Re: [nssldap] ldapsearch works - nss_ldap does not - but only whentls/ssl isenabled

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Re: [nssldap] ldapsearch works - nss_ldap does not - but only whentls/ssl isenabled

On Friday, 18 May 2007, James Hogarth wrote:
> Ubuntu uses nss_ldap.conf but I have symlinked to ldap.conf to reduce
> duplication.

Please be very specific here. You can create a /etc/ldap.conf, and 
symlink /etc/pam_ldap and /etc/libnss_ldap.conf to that. But, do not create a 
link to /etc/ldap/ldap.conf (the OpenLDAP library configuration file).

> Indeed that is an openldap configuration - but I was under the
> impression that unknown lines would be skipped?

Experience shows you should avoid mixing the directives for nss_ldap/pam_ldap 
and the OpenLDAP library in the same file.

> You'll notice I also 
> have the nssl_ldap line of tls_cacertfile.

It would be useful if you could provide the /etc/ldap/ldap.conf, or the output 
from 'strace -e open getent passwd' to confirm which files are being used.

I note that recent versions of nss_ldap will hang if the CA cert is not 
available, there may be other conditions as well (I have not tested them 

Please also confirm whether the <domain controller> placeholder you've given 
matches the subject CN on the certificate issued to the ldap server (which 
must match, or certificate validation fails).

Finally, you may also want to set:
bind_policy soft
in the nss_ldap ldap.conf


Buchan Milne