Re: [nssldap] Mega patch against nss_ldap 264
[Date Prev][Date Next] [Thread Prev][Thread Next]Re: [nssldap] Mega patch against nss_ldap 264
- From: Luke Howard <lukeh [at] padl.com>
- To: Howard Wilkinson <howard [at] cohtech.com>
- Cc: nssldap [at] padl.com
- Subject: Re: [nssldap] Mega patch against nss_ldap 264
- Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 09:13:03 +1100
Thanks Howard! I am a bit snowed under now but I really look forward to taking a look at this.
-- Luke On 10/12/2008, at 5:30 AM, Howard Wilkinson wrote:
I have just pushed a large patch against nss_Ldap 264 up to the bugzilla.This is a structural alteration at the source code level to ldap- nss.c which is generally just changing how it reads. However, it fixes some bugs in the kerberos pathways and also commons up code that had multiple copies in the code source.I would be very grateful if anybody could try it out and let me know what I have broken.My intention with this is to make the critical path through the code run the minimal code when a connection to the LDAP server exists, make recovery on failure more resilient, and provide for multiple SASL mechs without need to alter the ldap-nss code.Comments, improvements and fault reports much appreciated.I am hoping that Luke will push this out as the basis for the main development downstream, so that I can add the extra features on the kerberos side I am looking for.Howard.
-- www.padl.com | www.fghr.net
- [nssldap] Mega patch against nss_ldap 264,
Howard Wilkinson
- Re: [nssldap] Mega patch against nss_ldap 264, Luke Howard
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