[nssldap] Call for nss_ov and nss-ldapd Testers
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- From: Matthew Hardin <mhardin [at] symas.com>
- To: nssldap [at] padl.com
- Subject: [nssldap] Call for nss_ov and nss-ldapd Testers
- Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 13:22:57 -0700
For those of you interested in the intersection of the excellent work done by Arthur de Jong on nss-ldapd and Howard Chu on nss_ov, Symas is developing an integrated package consisting of the nss_ldap and pam_ldap libraries from nss-ldapd and the OpenLDAP server configured with the nss_ov overlay.
The new package has been dubbed Symas Unified User Management version 4 and is available now without download restrictions. Symas will provide complimentary technical support during the testing period.
Available platforms include Solaris and Red Hat Linux, with more platforms becoming available as we have the opportunity to port to them. As always, the results of our work are submitted for inclusion upstream in the nss-ldapd and OpenLDAP projects.
The release announcement is here: http://www.symas.com/updates/?p=37. Subscribe to this blog's RSS feed to stay abreast of new releases as they become available.
Please direct support questions to support@symas.com. We'll do our best to resolve any issues as quickly as possible.
Cheers, -Matt Matthew Hardin Symas Corporation - The LDAP Guys http://www.symas.com
- [nssldap] Call for nss_ov and nss-ldapd Testers, Matthew Hardin
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