Re: [nssldap] Confused in bind_policy hard/soft in ldap.conf for multiple URI's
[Date Prev][Date Next] [Thread Prev][Thread Next]Re: [nssldap] Confused in bind_policy hard/soft in ldap.conf for multiple URI's
- From: Jim Willeke <jim [at] willeke.com>
- To: vmittal <varun.mittal [at] in.ibm.com>
- Cc: nssldap [at] padl.com
- Subject: Re: [nssldap] Confused in bind_policy hard/soft in ldap.conf for multiple URI's
- Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2011 04:25:05 -0500
The setting deals with the LDAP Client and not with the NSS settings.
The algorithm for "a really long time" varies depending on distribution.
"soft" means the query returns failed immediately.
Using "hard" can cause problems as LDAP may not be ready on startup and the order of component startup can be an issue.
The setting only deals with "queries" not the bind_timelimit, and does not determine if the system will or will not fail-over to the second system.
There are no "tunable" parameters on any distributions I am aware for the time in the settings.
Jim Willeke
On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 4:29 PM, vmittal <varun.mittal [at] in.ibm.com> wrote:
I am using RHEL 5.5 against an OpenLDAP server.
My setup has multiple LDAP servers
For using /etc/ldap.conf [nss_ldap-253-25.el5], I am totally bumped as to
what values to use for:
1. bind_timelimit
2. bind_policy soft/hard
The link:
says that for multiple LDAP URI's , bind_policy soft will never fallback to
second LDAP server if first is down.
However I could see that it switches to second server(which was up) when
first one was down.
Is there something I am missing here ?
Also, with bind_policy hard, and all the servers down, I could see an
exponential sleep and then retry to connect to LDAP server
I thought bind_timelimit will be the governing parameter for this sleep
time, but no success
Any ideaz anyone ?
This is really urgent. Thanks in advance for all the help anyone can give
- [nssldap] Confused in bind_policy hard/soft in ldap.conf for multiple URI's,
- Re: [nssldap] Confused in bind_policy hard/soft in ldap.conf for multiple URI's, Jim Willeke
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