webcheck: IndexError: string index out of range
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webcheck: IndexError: string index out of range
- From: Juan Luis <org123 [at] gmail.com>
- To: webcheck-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org
- Subject: webcheck: IndexError: string index out of range
- Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 12:16:03 -0500
not been able to workaround a rogue string. I tried adding y= to blacklist it
but perhaps I am not doing it right.
./webcheck.py -u http:/sitename.com -c --ignore-robots -y=https:///
the string that seems to throw the error is 'https:///'
webcheck: https:///
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./webcheck.py", line 268, in <module>
File "./webcheck.py", line 230, in main
site.crawl(fp) # this will take a while
File "/webcheck-1.10.4/crawler.py", line 222, in crawl
File "/webcheck-1.10.4/crawler.py", line 535, in fetch
content = schememodule.fetch(self, parsers.get_mimetypes())
File "/webcheck/schemes/http.py", line 58, in fetch
if netloc[0] == '.':
IndexError: string index out of range
any ideas on how i can fix?
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- webcheck: IndexError: string index out of range,
Juan Luis