Re: Preventing NSS from querying LDAP for system users
[Date Prev][Date Next] [Thread Prev][Thread Next]Re: Preventing NSS from querying LDAP for system users
- From: Arthur de Jong <arthur [at] arthurdejong.org>
- To: nss-pam-ldapd-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org
- Subject: Re: Preventing NSS from querying LDAP for system users
- Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 21:12:04 +0100
On Fri, 2010-03-12 at 16:51 -0500, Ryan Steele wrote: > The problem, however, is that now things like sudo don't work when > LDAP is unavailable. I have done some tests and if you lower the reconnect_maxsleeptime option the delay is limited. I stopped nscd and used sudo as a local user with the LDAP server unavailable. With reconnect_maxsleeptime set to 3 seconds the delay is 2 to 4 seconds (even lower in some cases). The reason for this is that nslcd keeps internal state on the availability of the LDAP server and will only try once for every request if the LDAP server was down before (and the retry-mechanism has already timed out there). If there are multiple requests (sudo seems to want to known the groups the root user is in a couple of times for some reason) some requests fail faster than the first request. nscd also seems to cache username to groups lookups in this case so it should also help when the LDAP server is unavailable. > Unfortunately, nscd is not a good solution. It is fraught with many > problems, and in addition was clearly not designed with security in > mind (doesn't work with TLS/SSL). With nss-pam-ldapd there should be no security implications whether nscd is used or not (as far as I'm aware). There are some problems with nscd (see e.g. [0] and [1]) but it shouldn't affect your connection to the LDAP server. [0] http://arthurdejong.org/nss-pam-ldapd/news.html#20091122 [1] http://sources.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2132 Also, nscd is a good solution to lower the load on your LDAP server. It is a cache for performance, not for off-line operation. There may be a problem in unreliable setups though: nscd also caches negative hits which means that if LDAP is unavailable it may cache that some user (which could exist in LDAP) does not exist. > Once you start doing this, you're getting in to the realm of "it's > probably just easier not to use LDAP at all"; [...] can you imagine > what people would say if you told them you had to install a > fully-fledged Active Directory Server on every single Windows client? > People would look at you like you were smoking something. Apparently slapd can be set up to be really lightweight but I have yet to do some experimenting with such a set-up. If you want reliability and the connection to your LDAP server is not reliable, you need to cache or replicate the data to a point from where you do have reliable access. > So again, unless you have some deep philosophical objection to > re-adding those nss_initgroups_* options, is there a reason that it > can't be re-added to reduce the sheer volume of requests being made to > the LDAP servers? An nss_initgroups_ignoreusers option could be implemented but I don't think it solves the underlying problem here (it basically hides a symptom). Anyway, attached is a patch (against svn but not yet in svn) that implements this option. Testing and feedback is welcome. There is one known issue (that I'm going to ignore) is that username comparison is case insensitive. So if you add a joe to nss_initgroups_ignoreusers and have a Joe LDAP user, lookups for Joe would not return any LDAP groups. Note that a special value ALLLOCAL was introduced. This adds all non-LDAP users to this list (suggestions for a better name are welcome). -- -- arthur - arthur@arthurdejong.org - http://arthurdejong.org --
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- Preventing NSS from querying LDAP for system users,
Ryan Steele
- Re: Preventing NSS from querying LDAP for system users,
Arthur de Jong
- Re: Preventing NSS from querying LDAP for system users,
Ryan Steele
- Re: Preventing NSS from querying LDAP for system users, Ryan Lynch
- Re: Preventing NSS from querying LDAP for system users, Arthur de Jong
- Re: Preventing NSS from querying LDAP for system users,
Ryan Steele
- Re: Preventing NSS from querying LDAP for system users, Arthur de Jong
- Re: Preventing NSS from querying LDAP for system users, Ryan Steele
- Re: Preventing NSS from querying LDAP for system users,
Ryan Steele
- Re: Preventing NSS from querying LDAP for system users,
Arthur de Jong
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