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Re: nslcd starts failing logins after about an hour.

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Re: nslcd starts failing logins after about an hour.

Hi Vicente,

Yeah it can. If it couldn't I'd expect it to be failing all the time also.


On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 12:55 PM, Sotomayor, Vicente (ITD)
<> wrote:
> Jason,
> This may or may not help, but confirm that the troubled client can resolve 
> your LDAP servers via DNS.
> ________________________________________
> From: 
> []
>  On Behalf Of Jason J. W. Williams []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 2:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: nslcd starts failing logins after about an hour.
> We've been testing moving over to pam-ldapd from pam-ldap but have run
> into an interesting problem. We set up two hosts, one in the same
> datacenter as the LDAP servers, and the other in another datacenter
> about 500 miles away (latency is about 16ms). They're communicating
> via LDAPS over port 636, and the servers are running OpenDJ 2.4.1.
> The host in the same datacenter as the LDAP servers has no issues.
> Immediately after starting nslcd the host in the remote data center
> also has no issues with logins, however after about an hour LDAP
> logins fail. The only way to get LDAP logins working again on the
> remote host is to restart nslcd. Other than the distance from the LDAP
> server, the only other difference with the remote host is that it only
> has one LDAP server listed in its config whereas the local host has
> both LDAP servers listed.
> The logs from nslcd during the login failures show some of the look
> ups succeeding and some timing out:
> Any help in resolving this would be greatly appreciated.
> -J
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