Re: Support for pam_ldap configuration
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- From: Ted Cheng <tedcheng [at] symas.com>
- To: Arthur de Jong <arthur [at] arthurdejong.org>
- Cc: nss-pam-ldapd-users <nss-pam-ldapd-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org>, Howard Chu <hyc [at] symas.com>
- Subject: Re: Support for pam_ldap configuration
- Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2012 18:19:10 -0700
On Jul 3, 2012, at 1:24 PM, Arthur de Jong wrote:
The design is meant for generic use, i.e., the first call returns all available configuration flags, not only the password_prohibit_msg flag, though the submitted patch only implements one. Additional flags, e.g., NSLCD_PAM_PWDMGR_DN and NSLCD_PAM_PWDMGR_PWD, can also be returned in the same call. The second call is made when a client needs to retrieve the value of a specific configuration parameter. As to root making end-user password changes, we have done the following on the nssov side, sync'ing up with pam_ldap: If pwdmgr-dn and pwdmgr-pwd are configured, allow root to change end user passwords, e.g., # passwd testuser New password: Retype new password: If pwdmgr-dn is configured, but not pwdmgr-pwd, query pwdmgr pwd before allowing the change: # passwd testuser LDAP administrator password: New password: Retype new password:
See above.
The idea of checking password_prohibit_msg in pam_sm_authenticate as well, specifically for the "passwd" service, is to have a "clean" handling of the case, i.e., users will be re-directed immediately, e.g, In this case, pam_ldap should be configured as the first on pam stack (auth). Otherwise, other modules would query authentication credentials, and eventually pam re-directs. nssov does implement the checking in pam_pwmod() as well.
nssov offers a configuration parameter, i.e., nssov-pam-password-prohibit-message <msg>
Looks good. This should handle the upgrade situations as well. pam_ldap should deliver password-prohibit msg to the end user.
We are more than willing to sync up efforts with you.
nssov is using nss-pam-ldapd 0.8.3. We'd like to upgrade to the version with the pam config features merged in. After that, we can sync up the effort and upgrade nssov the same time as nss-pam-ldapd. Thanks, Ted C. Cheng Symas Corporation |
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- Re: memberUid mappings in AD, Arthur de Jong
- Support for pam_ldap configuration, Ted Cheng
- Re: Support for pam_ldap configuration, Arthur de Jong
- Re: Support for pam_ldap configuration, Ted Cheng
- Re: Support for pam_ldap configuration, Arthur de Jong
- Re: Support for pam_ldap configuration, Ted Cheng
- Re: Support for pam_ldap configuration, Arthur de Jong
- Re: Support for pam_ldap configuration, Ted Cheng
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