Re: RPM packaging for version 0.8.12
[Date Prev][Date Next] [Thread Prev][Thread Next]Re: RPM packaging for version 0.8.12
- From: Juan Asensio Sánchez <okelet [at] gmail.com>
- To: Arthur de Jong <arthur [at] arthurdejong.org>
- Cc: nss-pam-ldapd-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org
- Subject: Re: RPM packaging for version 0.8.12
- Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2012 13:28:59 +0100
Hi again
After some digging in the SPEC file I found that there is a "check" section that calls make in the tests directory:
make check
I removed that section and now the compilation works fine and the RPM package is built succesfully. The final SPEC is available here https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file?expand=1&file=nss-pam-ldapd.spec&package=nss-pam-ldapd&project=home%3Aokelet. I have also created a repository in the OpenSuse Build service, with packages for Red Hat 4, 5 and 6, and CentOS 5 and 6. I just have tested the packages in CentOS 5.5 i386 and x86_64 and Red hat 4 x86_64, that are the platforms I have access. The repository is public, so anyone can use this repository and packages. Suggestions and collaborations are welcome.
Thanks all for your help. Regards.
2012/12/3 Juan Asensio Sánchez <okelet [at] gmail.com>
Hi again2012/11/30 Arthur de Jong <arthur [at] arthurdejong.org>
On Fri, 2012-11-30 at 08:24 +0100, Juan Asensio Sánchez wrote:The minimal version as specified in the configure.ac file is 2.61 so
> Commenting the line about reconf makes the script run wihout the
> previous error (but not finish the rpmbuild, read bellow); if this can
> help, I am using version 2.59, included in CentOS 5.5.
regenerating the configure script with an older version can break the
I don't know much about RPM packaging but perhaps someone else can
> And added this to the section %files (i am not sure how the %files
> section works, can anyone confirm this is correct?):
> Anyway, after commenting the line about autoreconf, it doesn't
> generate the RPMs because of the tests:
> test_tio: writing 11 blocks of 400 bytes (4400 total)This is interesting. Does the test fail every time? Attached is a
> test_tio: reading 400 blocks of 11 bytes (4400 total)
> test_tio: writing 11 blocks of 10240 bytes (112640 total)
> test_tio: reading 1024 blocks of 110 bytes (112640 total)
> test_tio: writing 20 blocks of 5115 bytes (102300 total)
> test_tio: reading 5 blocks of 20460 bytes (102300 total)
> test_tio: test_tio.c:316: test_timeout_writer: Assertion `end>start' failed.
> /bin/sh: line 5: 29939 Aborted ${dir}$tst
> FAIL: test_tio
replacement for test_tio.c that is a little more verbose in the above
I would be interested in finding the cause of the failing test and see
whether there is a bug somewhere.
Instead of recompiling again the package, I hace uncompressend the TGZ and run make check-TESTS in the tests directory. After replacing the attached file, I am already getting the same error:
PASS: test_dict
PASS: test_settest_tio: test_timeout_writer: written 186 blocks of 20 bytes in 0 second(s)
test_tio: writing 11 blocks of 400 bytes (4400 total)
test_tio: reading 400 blocks of 11 bytes (4400 total)
test_tio: writing 11 blocks of 10240 bytes (112640 total)
test_tio: reading 1024 blocks of 110 bytes (112640 total)
test_tio: writing 20 blocks of 5115 bytes (102300 total)
test_tio: reading 5 blocks of 20460 bytes (102300 total)
test_tio: test_tio.c:321: test_timeout_writer: Assertion `end>start' failed.
/bin/sh: line 5: 8676 Abortado ${dir}$tst
FAIL: test_tiomake: *** [check-TESTS] Error 1
PASS: test_expr
PASS: test_getpeercred
PASS: test_cfg
test_myldap.sh: LDAP server ldap:// not available for dc=test,dc=tld
SKIP: test_myldap.sh
PASS: test_common
./test_nsscmds.sh: /etc/nslcd.conf: not found
SKIP: test_nsscmds.sh
./test_pamcmds.sh: /etc/nslcd.conf: not found
SKIP: test_pamcmds.sh
1 of 7 tests failed
(3 tests were not run)
Please report to nss-pam-ldapd-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org
I don't see any relevant new data. I don't have any nslcd.conf file in /etc, as I am just generating the RPM and this machine has not yet the package installed. Is this a requisite, or the script is not detecting I have not a test environment?
> This is because although I have a LDAP server in the compilationThe LDAP-specific tests should automatically be skipped if the test
> machine (although this can not be always true), my LDAP server has not
> that naming context (dc=test,dc=tld). How can I disable the tests
> during the generation of the RPMs?
environment that is described in tests/README is not detected.
The command in the spec file that runs the test is
make check
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- Re: RPM packaging for version 0.8.12, (continued)
- Re: RPM packaging for version 0.8.12,
Arthur de Jong
- Re: RPM packaging for version 0.8.12,
Juan Asensio Sánchez
- Re: RPM packaging for version 0.8.12,
Arthur de Jong
- Re: RPM packaging for version 0.8.12,
Juan Asensio Sánchez
- Re: RPM packaging for version 0.8.12, Juan Asensio Sánchez
- Re: RPM packaging for version 0.8.12, Arthur de Jong
- Re: RPM packaging for version 0.8.12, Juan Asensio Sánchez
- Re: RPM packaging for version 0.8.12, Arthur de Jong
- Re: RPM packaging for version 0.8.12,
Juan Asensio Sánchez
- Re: RPM packaging for version 0.8.12,
Arthur de Jong
- Re: RPM packaging for version 0.8.12,
Juan Asensio Sánchez
- Re: RPM packaging for version 0.8.12,
Arthur de Jong
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