nslcd check ( -c ) giving out false error-status
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- From: Subu Ayyagari <subu.ayyagari [at] gmail.com>
- To: nss-pam-ldapd-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org
- Subject: nslcd check ( -c ) giving out false error-status
- Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2014 23:10:22 -0400
Have been using 'nslcd -c' to monitor the naming service.
But occasionally it returns '1' - false error even when the daemon is running and healthy.
Subsequent check comes back clean (return code 0 ).
1) What would be the cause for such a erroneous return status ?
2) Is there any way to debug what could cause 'nslcd -c' to return '1' when everything is normal ?
btw, the version is 0.7.5
Any info / suggestion would be helpful.
Subu Ayyagari
email: subu.ayyagari [at] gmail.com
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- nslcd check ( -c ) giving out false error-status, Subu Ayyagari
- Re: nslcd check ( -c ) giving out false error-status,
Subu Ayyagari
- Re: nslcd check ( -c ) giving out false error-status, Subu Ayyagari
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