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Re: Load distribution among LDAP servers

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Re: Load distribution among LDAP servers

Maybe you could use DNS to do round-robin.

On 04-09-15 11:09, Prashant Bapat wrote:

I have a setup with 2 LDAP servers (389-ds / FreeIPA) and 2500+ linux servers running nslcd connecting to the LDAP servers. For redundancy and to share the load the 2 LDAP servers are in master-master replication mode.

The nslcd seems to prefer one server over another. This causes 5 connections from each server to only one of the 2 LDAP servers. So the load distribution is pretty uneven. Ideally I would have wanted 50%-50%.

What is the recommended approach to achieve the even load distribution.

One more question, in nscd there is a paranoid mode which restarts itself every n mins. Is there something similar in nslcd ?

Thanks in advance.


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