nslcd 7.5 and TLS_CERT/TLS_KEY with StartTLS
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- From: Frank Crow <fjcrow2008 [at] gmail.com>
- To: nss-pam-ldapd-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org
- Subject: nslcd 7.5 and TLS_CERT/TLS_KEY with StartTLS
- Date: Mon, 29 Feb 2016 22:06:41 -0500
I'm trying to use nslcd 7.5 (the version that comes with RHEL 6.7) with OpenLDAP 2.4.23 using client-side TLS_CERT and TLS_KEY and "ssl start_tls".
If I enable start_tls and use the TLS_CERT/TLS_KEY then nslcd will not connect to my LDAP servers. If I turn off start_tls then I can specify TLS_CERT & TLS_KEY but it doesn't seem to use the client-side cert for authentication. Also, start_tls without TLS_CERT/TLS_KEY seems to work as well.
I can access my LDAP servers from the command line with "-ZZ -Y EXTERNAL" no problem.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
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- nslcd 7.5 and TLS_CERT/TLS_KEY with StartTLS, Frank Crow
- Re: nslcd 7.5 and TLS_CERT/TLS_KEY with StartTLS,
Arthur de Jong
- Re: nslcd 7.5 and TLS_CERT/TLS_KEY with StartTLS,
Frank Crow
- Re: nslcd 7.5 and TLS_CERT/TLS_KEY with StartTLS, Frank Crow
- Re: nslcd 7.5 and TLS_CERT/TLS_KEY with StartTLS,
Frank Crow
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