Centos ldap authentication via pam_ldap slow, how to debug?
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- From: Rob Audenaerde <Rob.Audenaerde [at] Valuecare.nl>
- To: "nss-pam-ldapd-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org" <nss-pam-ldapd-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org>
- Subject: Centos ldap authentication via pam_ldap slow, how to debug?
- Date: Mon, 30 May 2016 07:16:03 +0000
I installed and set-up the nss-pam-ldapd on CentOS 6. I can authenticate against the configured Active Directory, so that is nice.
However, it takes about 40 seconds to do so. What should I do to troubleshoot this issue? (See also here: http://serverfault.com/questions/779419/centos-6-nss-pam-ldapd-delay )
This is all the logging I could find:
I tried adding 'debug' in de pam.d files:
password sufficient pam_ldap.so use_authtok debug
That did not give me extra logging. Also, I added some debug level in the pam.conf, but that also did not give me more results.
Can you advise me on how to proceed troubelshooting?
Thanks in advance!
Rob Audenaerde |
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- Centos ldap authentication via pam_ldap slow, how to debug?, Rob Audenaerde
- Re: Centos ldap authentication via pam_ldap slow, how to debug?, Arthur de Jong
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