problem with passwd over pam_ldap
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- From: Martin Gröger <mgroeger1 [at] web.de>
- To: nss-pam-ldapd-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org
- Subject: problem with passwd over pam_ldap
- Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2019 20:04:45 +0200
Hello, I try to use authentication with nss_pam_ldap (version 0.8.14) for a Linux VM (Fedora 22) to an ApacheDS LDAP Server. Normal login works fine and yet I'm trying to change the password with the passwd command. The attached pcagng file contains this LDAP access. There is first an passwdModifyOID request visible, which does not contain the old password. In fact this LDAP access is successful, the extendedResponse contains rc=0, and the password is changed on the LDAP server. Nevertheless the debug output from the nslcd process says that the access failed (with Decoding error). Due to this unsuccessful access the nslcd tries again to modify the password with the old value. But since the first access was successful, the resonse form the LDAP server indicates that there is no entry value with the old password. So my question is, why does nslcd modul does not recognize that the first change attempt was successful? Best regards, Martin
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- problem with passwd over pam_ldap, Martin Gröger
- Re: problem with passwd over pam_ldap, Arthur de Jong
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