Map subjectSid to higher number
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- From: Max Mustermann <3c2b2ff5 [at] inbox.ru>
- To: nss-pam-ldapd-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org
- Reply-to: Max Mustermann <3c2b2ff5 [at] inbox.ru>
- Subject: Map subjectSid to higher number
- Date: Wed, 02 Oct 2019 15:01:59 +0300
I've been using nss-pam-ldapd with unscd with samba 4 Active Directory for a while now. It works perfect.
Only the uidNumber and gidNumber mapping is causing me a headache.
AD Users could have SubjectSid in lower range 1000-3000, which may cause a conflict with local users.
Is there a way to map these values to higher numbers? So for instance if the mapped SubjectSid for uidNumber
and gidNumber is 1008 could it be mapped to something like 101008, just to avoid conflicts if the uidNumber is already taken?
Best regards,
Max Mustermann
3c2b2ff5 [at] inbox.ru
I've been using nss-pam-ldapd with unscd with samba 4 Active Directory for a while now. It works perfect.
Only the uidNumber and gidNumber mapping is causing me a headache.
AD Users could have SubjectSid in lower range 1000-3000, which may cause a conflict with local users.
Is there a way to map these values to higher numbers? So for instance if the mapped SubjectSid for uidNumber
and gidNumber is 1008 could it be mapped to something like 101008, just to avoid conflicts if the uidNumber is already taken?
Best regards,
Max Mustermann
3c2b2ff5 [at] inbox.ru
- Map subjectSid to higher number, Max Mustermann
- Re: Map subjectSid to higher number,
Arthur de Jong
- Re[2]: Map subjectSid to higher number, Max Mustermann
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