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[nssldap] Strange nss library behavior with OL 2.4.7

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[nssldap] Strange nss library behavior with OL 2.4.7

Hi list,

Maybe someone knows? Can't really ask or report an ITS on the OL list, since there's nothing wrong on OL's part.

I just built and installed OL 2.4.7 rpms (Buchan's spec) on FC6. Was previously running 2.4.6 (but also 2.3.39 is installed, can have both at once).

I get this:

1063 [root:tru.leerlingen] /root # ldapsearch2.4 -x 'uid=sammy' \
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <dc=billy,dc=demon,dc=nl> (default) with scope subtree
# filter: uid=sammy
# requesting: gidnumber

# sammy, katter, groups,
dn: cn=sammy,cn=katter,ou=groups,dc=billy,dc=demon,dc=nl
gidNumber: 1004

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1
Ok, nothing wrong there. (Sammy is only present in ldap, not in passwd).


1064 [root:tru.leerlingen] /root # id sammy
uid=516 gid=1004 groups=4294967295,1004

1066 [root:tru.leerlingen] /root # getent group katter

1068 [root:tru.leerlingen] /root # id hanne
uid=502 gid=1000 groups=4294967295,1000,5005

1069 [root:tru.leerlingen] /root # getent group people

All ldap users get given the non-existent gidnumber 4294967295. Stopped ldap2.4, started ldap2.3 and everything is back to normal. But that's not what I want, so I'm continuing with 2.4.

I can't remember seeing this happening with 2.4.6.

Can anyone guess at the significance of the value "4294967295"?



Tony Earnshaw
Email: tonni at hetnet dot nl