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Re: [nssldap] LDAP Auth

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Re: [nssldap] LDAP Auth

On Wed, 16 Apr 2008, Nuno Manuel Martins wrote:

Hello list,

I am having a very strange behaviour from my test with OpenLDAP authentication. 
I tried to follow the HOWTOs online but I encountered an undocumented problem :)

After configuring nssswitch.conf I tried what they asked and did a getent 
command which returns successfully:
getent passwd | grep myuser
myuser:x:10002:10001:myUser (LDAP):/home/ldap/john:/bin/bash

This means that the system can get the proper data from the LDAP directory. 
However, even before I try authentication I have this problem:
su - myuser
su: user myuser does not exist

So anyone knows where su is getting its information from and why it is 
different from the information on getent?

It looks like you are starting out as root. Perhaps your ldap.conf file is only readable by root?
