Naming space problem with python-pskc/0.2
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- From: Eric Plet <eric.plet [at] gmail.com>
- To: python-pskc-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org
- Subject: Naming space problem with python-pskc/0.2
- Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2015 12:55:20 +0200

I used "python-pskc/0.2" to open different PSKC files but I have an error when I use it with a file using fully qualified naming spaces for the section "EncryptionKey" (see attached files). Please, can you let me know if, from your point of view, such format should be supported or not ?
I was able to manage this kind of file after modifying the code in "encryption.py" as presented below but I assume it should exist a more direct way to write it.
If fully qualified naming spaces should be supported, will it be available in a future version ?
Thanks for your feedbacks,

Description: XML document
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- Naming space problem with python-pskc/0.2, Eric Plet
- Re: Naming space problem with python-pskc/0.2, Arthur de Jong
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