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Odp: Re: CVS server is not working after power outage.

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Odp: Re: CVS server is not working after power outage.

Dnia Wtorek, 28 Lipca 2015 21:21 <> napisaƂ(a) 
> "kamil kapturkiewicz" writes:
> - We have CVS server in our company, it was configured long time
> - before I joined.  Server had ~600 days of uptime, but during last
> - weekend we had a power outage.  After that CVS has stopped working
> - and it is unclear for me what exactly went wrong.
> Do you have a "cvs pserver" entry in your inetd.conf or your
> xinetd configuration?
> - System is Debian 6.0.7 (Squeeze)
> - CVS version is 1.12.13
> - Users are configured in NIS and it is working properly after crash.
> - All repositories are located in /usr/cvsroot
> - 
> - /etc/cvsd/cvsd.conf:
> - RootJail /var/lib/cvsd
> - Uid cvsd
> - Gid cvsd
> - Nice 1
> - Umask 027
> - PidFile /var/run/
> - MaxConnections 10
> - Log syslog info
> - Listen * 2401
> - Repos /demo
> - Repos /myrepos
> Looks good, assuming that /demo and /myrepos exist under
> /var/lib/cvsd.
> - /etc/cvs-pserver.conf:
> Never heard of a /etc/cvs-pserver.conf file.
> - 1. I tried to run cvsd as root
> - 2. I tried to add Repos /usr/cvsroot to cvsd.conf
> - 3. I tried to make soft link to /usr/cvsroot to /var/lib/cvsd/usr/cvsroot, 
> - but got:
> - cvs [checkout aborted]: unrecognized auth response from cvs: cvs pserver: 
> cannot open /usr/cvsroot/CVSROOT/config: Too many levels of symbolic links
> This suggests you were talking to a "cvs pserver" instance that
> was started from inetd/xinetd, and not via cvsd.
> --
> Eric Schnoebelen         
>  In order to pull a rabbit out of a hat, is is necessary first to put one in.
> -- 
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> or see

Just for clarification:
my /etc/inetd.conf configuration:
cvspserver      stream  tcp     nowait.4000     root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  

my /etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver config:
service cvspserver
        disable         = no
        port            = 2401
        socket_type     = stream
        protocol        = tcp
        wait            = no
        user            = cvsd
        passenv         = PATH
#       server          = /usr/sbin/cvsd
        server          = /usr/sbin/cvs-pserver
        log_type        = FILE /var/log/cvspserver
        env             = '$CVSROOT=/usr/cvsroot'
#       server_args     = -f --allow-root=/var/lib/cvsd/usr/cvsroot pserver
        server_args     = -f --allow-root=/usr/cvsroot pserver

All repositories are located in /usr/cvsroot

What I've done:
disabled inetd and xinetd
renamed: /usr/cvsroot/CVSROOT
launched: cvsd-buildroot /usr/cvsroot/

creating /usr/cvsroot//dev devices... already there.
adding users to /usr/cvsroot//etc/passwd....
fixing ownership... done.
chrooted system created in /usr/cvsroot/
if your cvs binary changes (new version) you should rerun cvsd-buildroot

launched /etc/init.d/cvsd start

still have problems:

cvs checkout: authorization failed: server cvs rejected access to /usr/cvsroot 
for user xyz
Checkout failed. at /usr/local/bin/ line 51.
FAILED to process component files

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