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Re: Fine grained access control

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Re: Fine grained access control

On Tue, 2012-09-18 at 11:58 +0200, Richard Pijnenburg wrote:
> First did a ldapsearch based on a part of the search string:
> ldapsearch -x 
> '(&(objectClass=groupOfURLs)(cn=prod)(member=uid=richard,ou=people,dc=ispavailability,dc=com))'
> And i get nothing back.
> If i take out the member part i get this:
> ldapsearch -x '(&(objectClass=groupOfURLs)(cn=prod))'
> dn: cn=prod,ou=isp,ou=acl,dc=ispavailability,dc=com
> objectClass: groupOfURLs
> cn: prod acl
> cn: prod
> memberURL: 
> ldap:///cn=sysadmin,ou=isp,ou=groups,dc=ispavailability,dc=com?member?sub?
> member: uid=richard,ou=people,dc=ispavailability,dc=com
> Any idea what im doing wrong?

I'm not sure but it seems that your LDAP server returns some attribute
values that you cannot search for. This goes beyond what I normally use
LDAP for so I don't think I'm much help here.

-- arthur - - --
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