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[nssldap] nss_ldap not resolving groups?

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[nssldap] nss_ldap not resolving groups?

Ubuntu 6.06 + pam_ldap + nss_ldap (against Openldap).

First .. what a PITA. Ubuntu's built in libraries for this keep trying SASL on the LDAP and AD balks at that. Had to compile everything from scratch.

That said .. auth works fine. doing 'id $user' returns the correct UID/GID and their names .. however, if I have a 2nd AD group of which that user is a member (yes, group #2 also has unix attributes), doing something like 'getent group' returns the GID/Name for the groups but doesn't show any members.

I'm using this at the moment (tried several things .. no dice).

nss_map_objectclass posixGroup Group

What am I missing here? I've spent the afternoon on Google to no avail.


Michael Holstein
Cleveland State University