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Re: [nssldap] restricting users to certain hosts?

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Re: [nssldap] restricting users to certain hosts?

Ralf Haferkamp skrev, on 05-03-2008 09:23:

On Dienstag, 4. März 2008, Adam Williams wrote:
I've got several servers...arrowhead, archives3, saxon, etc.  I want
to prevent the users from ssh'ing into certain servers.  some should
only be able to ssh to arrowhead, others only to archives3, some can
access 2 out of the 3, or all 3, etc.  Is it possible to have this
configuration?  If so, how?
Yes. Check out the pam_check_host_attr and pam_check_service_attr of pam_ldap. See the pam_ldap man-page for details.

Seems to me that everyone's forgetting sshd_config AllowUsers - that's what I use.


Tony Earnshaw
Email: tonni at hetnet dot nl