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Re: [nssldap] restricting users to certain hosts?

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Re: [nssldap] restricting users to certain hosts? wrote:
Since you are posting to nssldap, I suppose you want to exploit LDAP here. You can set:

pam_check_host_attr yes

in your /etc/ldap.conf file (different name on debian based distros...) and add:

host: arrowhead
host: someotherservername

to the relevant user entries in your directory (it's multivalued). This is checked in the account pam stack so:

account required ignore_unknown_user ignore_authinfo_unavail
account    required

note the second option to, if not set you will be unable to login as *any* user if the LDAP server is down. My logic tells me setting this makes you vulnerable to DOS attacks but for our case this is the lesser of two evils and LDAP is internal (fingers crossed ;)).

read man pam_ldap for the other options too and test that local users can still login with LDAP down before you ship the server 2000 miles abroad ;)


when I run ldapadd to a user and have host: roark in the ldif, I get:

ldapadd: Object class violation (65)
       additional info: attribute 'host' not allowed

and i am loading cosine.schema.  have you seen this error before?