Re: [nssldap] Nested groups
[Date Prev][Date Next] [Thread Prev][Thread Next]Re: [nssldap] Nested groups
- From: Luke Howard <lukeh [at] padl.com>
- To: Andreas Moroder <andreas.moroder [at] sb-brixen.it>
- Cc: nssldap [at] padl.com
- Subject: Re: [nssldap] Nested groups
- Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 18:34:00 +1000
nss_ldap supports nested groups simply by having a group member being a group itself. The group member must be a DN, so the uniqueMember or member attribute would typically used (not memberUid).
This isn't actually specified in RFC 2307.You also need to have rfc2307bis support enabled in nss_ldap, by putting nss_schema rfc2307bis in ldap.conf.
-- Luke On 15/04/2008, at 4:44 PM, Andreas Moroder wrote:
Hello, I already posted a question about groups in groups.Now I studied the code in grp.c, but I must admit I did non understand how it works. From the comments I understand that it should be possible to create nested groups but I don't understand how to do this in opendalp an what the result of nested groups is.What I am seraching for is a way to have groups that have groups as member and their members ( with memberUID ) should also be seen as member of the upper group in linux.Can anyone please help me or tell me where I can find good documentation ( please not the RFC )From what version on does nss_ldap support nested groups ? Thanks Andreas
-- www.padl.com | www.fghr.net
- [nssldap] Nested groups,
Andreas Moroder
- Re: [nssldap] Nested groups, Luke Howard
- [nssldap] Re: Nested groups, Andreas Moroder
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