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Re: [nssldap] client timeout - update

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Re: [nssldap] client timeout - update

Buchan Milne wrote:
On Wednesday 11 June 2008 17:03:23 Eric Ritchie wrote:
I'm using LDAP for passwd, group, automap and netgroup functions, it is
a replacement for NIS. When the OS is using LDAP for these functions,
such as id or finger, it uses /lib/ and the /etc/ldap.conf
file. When I run any of the ldap commands, such as ldapsearch, it uses
/usr/lib/libldap and /etc/openldap/ldap.conf. I'm more concerned with
the OS hanging when it tries to perform an LDAP lookup than ldapsearch
hanging. So I would need a newer libnss_ldap to take advantage of new
OpenLDAP features.

Most likely it would be sufficient to install newer OpenLDAP libraries, and compile nss_ldap against the newer libraries.
OpenLDAP 2.4.10 NETWORK_TIMEOUT feature definitely works much better. I installed the ldapsearch program and the client libraries. When I shutdown a server, ldapsearch hangs for just a second and then connects to the next server, before it would hang for a really long time. Recompiling nss_ldap is a little over my head. I tried downloading nss_ldap from PADL and compiling it with the latest LDAP libraries but its still ignoring the NETWORK_TIMEOUT setting. If I set bind_timelimit to 1, there is still about a 10 second delay when the OS is querying LDAP, it doesn't seem to matter if I set bind_policy to soft, getting nss_ldap to support the new NETWORK_TIMEOUT would really help.


However, in my case, bind_policy soft is sufficient to prevent problems when a server "fails" (well, more often the client's networking isn't correctly configured). But, if the client can't reach the server (bad routing, firewall dropping packets instead of denying), then I would expect the behaviour you are seeing, or if the LDAP server were to hang on an open connection (but I haven't seen that in a few years).


Eric Ritchie
Interactive Brokers LLC