Re: [nssldap] nss_ldap by padl on Solaris 10
[Date Prev][Date Next] [Thread Prev][Thread Next]Re: [nssldap] nss_ldap by padl on Solaris 10
- From: Thomas Glanzmann <thomas [at] glanzmann.de>
- To: ?????? ?????? <k.makeev [at] gmail.com>
- Cc: nssldap [at] padl.com
- Subject: Re: [nssldap] nss_ldap by padl on Solaris 10
- Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2008 09:48:36 +0200
Hello, > So, if somebody has used this on Solaris 10, have you any suggestions. if you have the latest version of Solaris 10 (Update 5) you have to disable nscd. /etc/init.d/nscd stop There is a bug filed in bugzilla. Thomas
- [nssldap] nss_ldap by padl on Solaris 10,
Макеев Кирилл
- Re: [nssldap] nss_ldap by padl on Solaris 10, Thomas Glanzmann
- Re: [nssldap] nss_ldap by padl on Solaris 10,
Макеев Кирилл
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Макеев Кирилл
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- Re: Fwd: [nssldap] nss_ldap by padl on Solaris 10, Kirill Makeev
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- Fwd: [nssldap] nss_ldap by padl on Solaris 10,
Макеев Кирилл
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