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RE: [nssldap] RV: Unix id command and Openldap

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RE: [nssldap] RV: Unix id command and Openldap

On Tue, 23 Dec 2008, wrote:

Hi guys

getent passwd and getent group work fine, I get the list of users and groups of 
the ldap server. getent group only shows me ldap groups without users belonging 
to those groups
like  the group mysql defined only in the ldap server:


My only problem is getting the secondary groups via id or groups.
Starting the ldap server with debugging I saw a possible cause:

conn=50 op=0 BIND dn="" method=128
conn=50 op=0 RESULT tag=97 err=0 text=
conn=50 op=1 SRCH 
base="ou=Grupos,ou=Teleinformatica,dc=vmlx-ldapauth-test," scope=2 deref=0 
conn=50 op=1 SRCH attr=cn userPassword memberUid uniqueMember gidNumber
conn=50 op=1 ENTRY 

it seems that when i do a id -a jbosstest ( a user that is defined in the ldap 
it searchs the ou=Grupos where the groups are defined but it only uses the
filter  ="(&(objectClass=posixGroup))"..
is that the problem???

Which objectclass are you expecting it to use? posixGroup is the standard objectclass for these groups.
