Mapping home directory: $uid comes up empty
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- From: Chris Marget <chris [at] marget.com>
- To: nss-pam-ldapd-users [at] lists.arthurdejong.org
- Subject: Mapping home directory: $uid comes up empty
- Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2017 16:51:13 -0400
I'm looking for clues as to why my attempts to "map passwd homeDirectory" are failing.
My nslcd.conf file is here: https://pastebin.com/raw/jmu1DnCp
In the comments of that paste are various attempts at mapping the home directory, each with the result it produced.
Currently my user looks like this:
# getent passwd cmarget
cmarget:*:1407:1407:Chris Marget:/home/:/bin/bash
Any idea why $uid isn't expanding to 'cmarget'? That seems to be the popular way of mapping the home directory to the username.
Thank you!
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- Mapping home directory: $uid comes up empty, Chris Marget
- Re: Mapping home directory: $uid comes up empty,
Jakub Jindra
- Re: Mapping home directory: $uid comes up empty,
Chris Marget
- Re: Mapping home directory: $uid comes up empty, Jakub Jindra
- Re: Mapping home directory: $uid comes up empty,
Chris Marget
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